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Equipping Nursing Students for Success: A Nursing Supply Checklist for Universities

Equipping Nursing Students for Success: A Nursing Supply Checklist for Universities

Nursing students have a long educational road ahead of them. They need to be prepared to learn everything there is to know about nursing and the healthcare profession in general. 

Aside from studying lessons from a book, nursing students must be equipped with all the tools, nursing kits, apparel, medical devices, and other supplies that actual nurses use to do their jobs. That way, nursing students can get the most realistic hands-on training possible when working with simulated patients in clinical settings at their universities. 

Below is a comprehensive checklist of nursing supplies for universities and other educational institutions to train their students effectively. They include everything from reusable medical supplies to reference materials for nursing. 

1) Stethoscope 

Nursing students use stethoscopes to learn how to conduct basic physical assessments of their patient's health. These assessments involve listening to their heartbeats and the sounds in their lungs as they breathe. If irregularities with the heart or lungs are detected, a doctor would conduct further evaluation of the patient to diagnose the condition.

2) Scrubs

Scrubs are the uniforms that nurses wear while they are on the job. They are comfortable, lightweight uniforms made of polyester and cotton. The top scrub is usually a short-sleeve shirt with a V-neck collar, while the bottom scrub is a pair of pants with a flexible elastic band for added comfort. Scrubs help protect both the patient and nurse from contamination or viral transmissions. 

3) Penlight

A penlight is a special kind of flashlight specifically designed for conducting medical assessments of a patient’s eyes, throat, and mouth. For instance, a nursing student will use a penlight to practice examining a patient’s eye by looking for a reaction from the pupil. An abnormal response could indicate neurological issues or brain trauma. Sometimes, a penlight is used to inspect wounds and skin conditions as well. 

4) Hand Sanitizer

Live Clean One Step Hand Sanitizer 1L, Pump Bottle

Nursing students must learn to develop the habit of using hand sanitizer before and after touching a patient. Like all medical professionals, nurses have an obligation to maintain strict hygiene in healthcare settings to reduce or eliminate the number of germs on their hands. That way, nurses don’t end up inadvertently spreading or contracting a virus or bacteria with their patients. 

5) Blood Pressure Cuff

Testing blood pressure is another common preliminary physical assessment that nurses conduct on patients. Nursing students need to regularly practice taking other people’s blood pressure, as it is an important task in the nursing profession. Therefore, supply your students with a blood pressure cuff so that they can get hands-on practice taking blood pressure readings of their friends, classmates, and simulated patients.  

6) Face Masks

Nursing students need face masks to protect their noses and mouths as they practice treating sick and infected patients. High-quality face masks, such as surgical masks or N95 masks, will prevent nursing students from inadvertently inhaling contaminated or toxic aerosols in clinical settings.

7) Bandage Scissors

Nursing students will have many opportunities to practice applying bandages to wounded patients, whether simulated or human. Part of this process is cutting the bandages from the roll after wrapping them around the wound on the patient. Bandage scissors are specially designed to make it easy to cut bandages and medical tape without the risk of injuring the patient. 

8) Hemostat

A hemostat is a tool that nurses and medical professionals use to stop a patient’s bleeding by clamping off their blood vessels. It is basically like a combination of scissors and pliers, although they come in different sizes and shapes. Nursing students will need to become good at stopping patient’s bleeding by practicing extensively with this tool. 

9) Thermometer

Taking a patient’s temperature is another part of their preliminary physical examination. Nursing students will frequently practice sticking a thermometer under a patient’s tongue to get a reading of their body temperature. If the temperature is higher than normal, it means the patient is suffering from some kind of sickness. 

10) Water Bottle

Nurses spend several hours on their feet daily. If they are going to remain focused and alert, they must always stay hydrated. That is why you should supply your nursing students with water bottles; it will teach them to get into the habit of keeping water close by if they need it. Not only will this be good for them, but it will also be good for the patients they treat.

11) Plastic Shoe Covers

Plastic shoe covers are made from non-woven polypropylene, which is resistant to water, dirt, chemical spills, and other contaminants. Nurses wear plastic shoe covers over their white shoes to prevent contamination in infectious environments, such as patient rooms, operating rooms, and isolation rooms. The plastic shoe covers help protect the safety of nurses and patients alike. 

12) Reference Books for Nursing

There are literally dozens of different nursing books that you could issue to your nursing students. Some notable ones to consider include:

  • Drug Guide for Nursing Students
  • Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests
  • Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
  • Skill Checklists for Fundaments of Nursing 
  • Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales
  • Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX Examination

These core reference books and guides can help nursing students quickly locate critical information. There is even review material to prepare them for the NCLEX examination, the standard test for nursing students who want to become licensed nurses, such as registered nurses.

Stock Up on Nursing Supplies for Your Students Today

How would you like to find a dedicated provider of nursing supplies for your educational institution? 

Pristine Medical is one of the top nursing supply providers for universities and medical schools in North America. You can find a wide selection of reusable nursing supplies and other medical items critical for the education of nursing students

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